350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №3 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of the error sources in the navigation system of a small unmanned helicopter
DOI: 10.18127/j20700814-202003-07
UDC: 656.052

A.V. Abakumov – Head of Unmanned Systems Laboratory,  JSC «Design Bureau of Industrial Automatics» (Saratov)

E-mail: a.abakumov@kbpa.ru

E.N. Skripal – Main Designer, 

JSC «Design Bureau of Industrial Automatics» (Saratov)

E-mail: e.scripal@kbpa.ru

D.Yu. Livshits – Leading Engineer of Unmanned Systems Laboratory,  JSC «Design Bureau of Industrial Automatics» (Saratov)

E-mail: d.livshits@kbpa.ru

I.K. Kuzmenko – Engineer of Unmanned Systems Laboratory, 

JSC «Design Bureau of Industrial Automatics» (Saratov)

E-mail: i.kuzmenko@kbpa.ru

A.A. Seranova – Engineer of Unmanned Systems Laboratory,  JSC «Design Bureau of Industrial Automatics» (Saratov)

E-mail: a.seranova@kbpa.ru

R.V. Ermakov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Leading Engineer of Unmanned Systems Laboratory, 

JSC «Design Bureau of Industrial Automatics» (Saratov)

E-mail: roma-ermakov@yandex.ru


The analysis of the sources of errors in the navigation system of a small unmanned aerial vehicle is carried out, the degree of their influence on the final navigation solution is investigated. If navigation devices use measurements from several sensors to create a navigation solution, the accuracy of the navigation solution is determined by the ability of the device to detect and eliminate unreliable measurements from calculations that occur in any of the sensors. To solve this problem, an attempt is made in the work to determine the main failure scenarios in the navigation sensors or systems used to calculate the navigation solution. For small-sized navigation systems that are implemented using inexpensive microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), the quality of satellite navigation system signals (SNA) plays a significant role in the reliability of the navigation solution. Given this, the problem of reliability is divided into two groups, one of which is related to the quality of positioning from SNA signals, the other is related to errors that occur when using other sensors. Regardless of the categorization, the reliability of the general navigation solution can only be improved by eliminating the use of dangerous and misleading information from any of the sensors used.

It is shown that failures and inaccurate information from individual sensors can be excluded from the final navigation solution without significant damage to the latter. An overview of statistical methods for detecting inaccurate initial data of navigation systems is given. Simulation data and experimental data are obtained for some sensors of the integrated navigation system of an unmanned aerial vehicle.

The article contains 1 figure and links to 13 sources of information.

Pages: 60-68


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Date of receipt: 11 марта 2020 г.