D.A. Nedorezov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Engineering, Institute of Space and Information Technology,
Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: nedorezovd@mail.ru
D.O. Nepomnyaschy – Student,
Department of Computer Engineering, Institute of Space and Information Technology,
Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: Vebs_mail@mail.ru
A.A. Kopytov – Student,
Department of Computer Engineering, Institute of Space and Information Technology,
Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: harrier97@mail.ru
V.N. Khaidukova – Student,
Department of Computer Engineering, Institute of Space and Information Technology,
Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: valeriya_iks@mail.ru
For an in-depth study of the characteristics of electrical signals, it is important to record them for a long time (up to a year). This allows their in-depth analysis for the presence of rare events that are displayed as signal anomalies or so-called «artifacts». To conduct such research, it is important to create systems of long-term oscillography (LTO).
Developed LTO based on the PXI architecture. The number of its channels is easily scaled by installing additional or removing extra modules of the crate-chassis (up to 200 channels). LTO is able, synchronously in all channels, to record data from objects of control for a long time without any loss of useful information. The data is stored on hard drives or raid arrays and can be transferred to any storage media without interrupting experiments. LTO is mobile, each crate can be transported by one person over long distances without vehicle. LTO can be supplemented with any modular hardware in the PXI standard, if advanced control and data acquisition functionality is required.
The target LTO software is implemented using the NI LabVIEW and Borland C ++ programming systems and allows you to simply configure the LTO for the required tasks, display and record electrical signals and convert the recorded data into various formats. The main advantage of the proposed LMS is an intelligent system of automated, and in some cases, automatic analysis of huge arrays of recorded waveforms for the presence of anomalies in them. This system is protected by a patent of the Russian Federation for an invention and allows you to simplify and speed up the process of analysis while increasing its effectiveness.
The distinctive essence of the proposed LTO is that it simultaneously allows:
- keep a long recording of electrical signals without any loss of data received from objects of control;
- record and reproduce data characterizing electrical signals received from objects of control over multiple channels (up to 200), all channels being synchronized with each other;
- automatically analyze huge amounts of oscillograms received from control objects for the presence of signal anomalies;
- to set up and control your work in simple ways, no more difficult than «box» oscilloscopes;
- carry the equipment over long distances without using vehicle;
- to use as part of a long-term oscilloscope system any PXI test equipment (PXIe, cPCI), for example, control modules for various interfaces, programmable power supplies, generators, etc.
Thus, the proposed system of long-term oscillography provides long-term synchronous recording of electrical signals over multiple channels without data loss and at the same time extends the functionality and efficiency of technical solutions available on the market.
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