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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №3 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
A method for reducing the workplace of a complex of automation tools based on the use of queries in a natural-like language
DOI: 10.18127/j20700814-202003-01
UDC: 623.618

A.V. Zyuzin – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense

E-mail: aleksey.zyuzin@mail.ru

P.A. Morozov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense

E-mail: mpa24@mail.ru

Yu.A. Krutalevich – Ph.D.(Eng.), 

Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense

E-mail: krutalevich.87@mail.ru

R.I. Anoshin – Employee, 

Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense

E-mail: roman88angmail.com


Currently, in various radio engineering systems, in order to increase the validity and optimality of decisions, automated control systems (ACS) are used, including a set of automation tools and an operator. One of the main ways to improve the efficiency of the automated control system is to reduce the working time of the CSA by using queries in a natural-like language. The solution of this problem is possible by developing a method for generating operational information based on a formalized conceptual model for the representation of objects for displaying the KSA workplace. Components of the method include: methodology for forming a model of conceptual and graphical representation of display objects based on a formalized conceptual information model of the workplace of a complex of automation tools; a method for generating operator queries based on conditions that determine the properties of display objects in a formalized conceptual information model of the workplace of a complex of automation tools using subject concepts and natural language terms; a method for forming a set of objects for displaying a formalized conceptual information model of the workplace of a complex of automation tools based on the properties specified in the operator's requests.

For experimental verification of the effectiveness of the proposed method of generating operational information based on a formalized conceptual information model of the workplace of a complex of automation tools, a hardware and software complex (APC) has been developed, which is a simulation model of an automated workplace of one of the modern CSA with the ability to generate operational information at the request of operators in terms of a natural-like language.

The experiment includes the following stages: development of hardware and software complex (AIC) that implements the proposed method of generating operational information; determining the types of requests and categories of participants in experimental studies; estimation of time indicators in the formation of operational information (FOI) using standard input tools; estimation of time indicators when generating operational information using queries in a natural-like language (EPA); statistical processing of experimental results and evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed method.

The overall effect of the method was estimated by reducing the value of the working time of the KSA associated with the time of formation of operational information by operators on the KSA APM. Numerical calculations based on the results of the experiment show that when using the proposed method, the working time of the CSA is reduced by up to 24% for a request with one condition, up to 34% for a request with two conditions, and up to 40% for a request with three conditions.

Pages: 5-15
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Date of receipt: 18 февраля 2020 г.