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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №1 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Development and research of information flows in design systems and agreement of design documents for designing complex technical products
DOI: 10.18127/j20700814-202001-02
UDC: 658.512

N.N. Voit – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Laboratory of Innovative Virtual Design 

and Training Technologies of Department of Scientific Research and Innovation, 

Department «Computer Engineering», Ulyanovsk State Technical University

E-mail: n.voit@ulstu.ru

M.E. Ukhanova – Post-graduate Student, 

Department «Computer Engineering», Ulyanovsk State Technical University

E-mail: mari-u@inbox.ru

D.S. Kanev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Head of Scientific and Technical Department, 

Ulyanovsk State Technical University

E-mail: dima.kanev@gmail.com

A.S. Stepanov – Junior Research Scientist, 

Department «Computer Engineering», Ulyanovsk State Technical University

E-mail: step_al_ul@mail.ru

V.A. Gordeev – Junior Research Scientist, 

Department «Computer Engineering», Ulyanovsk State Technical University

E-mail: gorde-vlad@yandex.ru


Successful implementation of the State program for the development of industry directly depends on which set of technologies will ensure the creation of new models of equipment. As the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin: «the world is experiencing a real revolution in the economy, technology, knowledge. Obviously, such profound transformations will affect – they cannot but affect, they will certainly affect – the military sphere, the condition of the armies of the leading countries of the world. And we need to not only take these trends into account, but take military planning and construction as the basis» (an expanded meeting of the Russian Defense Ministry board on December 22, 2017). The digital transformation in industry is based on the use of advanced manufacturing technologies, including virtualization. The advanced virtualization technology, the integrator technology, which makes a significant contribution to the design and creation of new types of equipment in the shortest possible time and to ensure superior technical characteristics over analogs, is the Digital Twin. As a rule, invariant tools are used to create digital doubles, which are successfully used to solve complex technical problems in various high-tech industries (digital platforms, multi-level matrices of target indicators and resource limitations, virtual tests, virtual stands and virtual polygons, intelligent assistant systems).

For enterprises of the military-industrial complex (MIC), producing special-purpose equipment, the process of transition to paperless production becomes relevant. The first step to such a production is the introduction of a PLM system and electronic approval of design documentation (CD). The presence of an electronic product model, electronic approval of documentation for design preparation of production, and complete documentation on the product, collected in a single system, taking into account its life cycle (LC), is one of the requirements of Industry 4.0. It should be noted that most manufacturing enterprises are not developers of design documentation, the main task of the design bureau (design bureau) is to accompany the product during production. Moreover, the documentation from the holders of the originals comes in paper form, and the documentation for stand equipment acts as the developed documentation. Since the manufacturing enterprise is not the main developer of CD, the task of electronic approval of preliminary notifications (PIs) sent to holders of scripts to make changes to the CD is relevant. In the process of developing PI, the problem arises of maintaining the current version of the electronic structure of the product and the current version of the electronic CD (ECD), taking into account the changes. According to the technology of paperless production, the current version of the electronic documentation should be in the production workshops, however, according to GOST 2. 503-2013 [3], the documentation does not change according to the PI, the copy holder does not have the right to make changes to the document of a third-party organization, and each change to the document is new version of the document, so there is a problem. It should also be noted that one of the conditions for the efficient operation of an enterprise is the effective interaction of all its constituent units and structures, including information. An important factor in effective work is the identification and elimination of errors in the presentation and interaction of data.

This work contributes to solving the problem of automation of designing workflows in terms of developing a conceptual model of the workflow of the formation and coordination of design documentation for the design of complex technical products.

Pages: 6-16
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Date of receipt: 28 ноября 2019 г.