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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №3 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Targetting for ground target by the measurements of airborne direction finder
two-dimensional direction finding
three-dimensional lattice
glide path
reflection of radio waves
control loop
mea-surement errors
probability of targetting on the target
V.A. Ufaev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Military Educational-Scientific Center of air Forces of the «Military-Air Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin» (Voronezh)
E-mail: Andreyuff@mail.ru
D.V. Ufaev - Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Research Testing Center for Special Equipmant of the Railway Troops (Moscow)
E-mail: dvufaev@gmail.com
Ways of restoring to a ground target with the use of airborne direction finder in flight on the glide path are researched. This included the accounting for the deviation of the plane of the aircraft from a horizontal position, reflection of radio waves from the earth\'s surface, a relatively small slip angles, discrete measurements and delays testing of control commands.
Formula convert the results of direction finding from the related coordinate system to an intermediate of coordinate system and formula for calculating the error of direction finding are presented.
It was discovered that for the three-dimensional antenna array of the minimum composition the errors of direction finding do not depend on the angular position of the aircraft when the ratio of the height of the three-dimensional antenna array as of its radius, and the errors of determination of the elevation angle does not depend on the true values of the elevation angle.
Interferometric of displacement of the measurements of the elevation angle is observed near the target at a distance less than 30-60 meters. This area decreases with decreasing frequency of the radiation and when propagation of radio waves over dry ground and snow with relatively small values of dielectric permeability and specific electrical conductivity
There are three ways to targetting on the target: 1) according to the results current of single two-dimensional direction finding; 2) in the horizontal plane according to the results current direction finding; in the vertical plane according the height position of the aircraft; 3) in the horizontal plane according to the current estimated of coordinates of the target; in the vertical plane according the height position of the aircraft.
The article are contained the models of targetting on the target and the models of the control loop.
The modeling shows that the error of determining the direction to the target at its estimated coordinates are charac-terized by their increase at the end of the flight to the original level of single measurements. Probability targetting for the method 3 with the application of algorithms for high-speed calculation of coordinate is lower than for method 2. Probability targetting for the method 3 is the maximum with the use of maximum likelihood estimates and increase with decreasing the discreteness of the measurements. The rational pace of discreteness in the measurements lies in the interval 0.25 s and 0.5 s.
The article contains 6 figures, 1 table references to 6 sources of the information.
Pages: 8-15
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