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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №3 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Quadratic-biquadratic optimization of control systems
V.I. Merkulov - D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Honored Science Worker of RF, Deputy Designer General, Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» Joint Stock Company (Moscow)
E-mail: from_fn@mail.ru
S.B. Gusarov - Engineer, Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» Joint Stock Company (Moscow)
Prevention of bound violation of state variables for control systems is possible with control laws using cubic components of error. Synthesis of such control law is possible as solution of a minimization problem of quadratic-biquadratic functionals. The obtained control law incorporates additional cubic term, thus providing sharp response to both small and big errors near the bounds. Analysis of the obtained control law suggests possibility of realization of control signal with non-linear dependence on control errors.
Pages: 3-7
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