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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
About the possibilities to develop devices for the formation of a powerful pulsed ultrawideband signals for high-potential radioelectronic suppression
multifrequency antenna array
wideband and ultra-wideband radio pulses
space-time transformation
phased array antenna
N.V. Vorobiev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory, Joint-stock company - Radio engineering corporation "Vega"(Moscow)
V.A. Gryasnov - Chief Specialist, Joint-stock company - Radio engineering corporation "Vega"(Moscow)
A.T. Silkin - Dr.Sc. (Military), Chief Research Scientist, Joint-stock company - Radio engineering corporation "Vega"(Moscow)
The aim of this work is to assess possibilities to develop devices for the generation and radiation of powerful wideband and ul-tra-wideband pulsed signals. To increase the pulse power used the method of space-time signal conversion with linear multi-frequency antenna array and phased array antenna transmission type. The required energy is achieved, firstly, due to the ac-cumulation of energy in the delay lines in phased array, and second, by increasing the effective surface radiating antenna, which is used as a two-mirror parabolic antenna. The phased array is used as irradiator contraflexure of this antenna.
The proposed device may be used to create high-potential jamming devices or radar systems with UWB signals.
Pages: 37-41
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