350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №1 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Experimental researches of the mobile network of the broadband radio access
S.V. Kruglikov - Dr.Sc. (Military), Associate Professor, Joint Institute of Problems of Informatics of NAS of Belarus (Minsk) E-mail: ankru-26@yandex.ru A.Yu. Zalizko - Research Scientist, Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk) E-mail: turbostok@tut.by
In the presented work on the basis of a technique of synthesis of a mobile adaptive network of broadband access results of carrying out of imitating experiment (modelling) which have allowed to be defined with rational structure of a transport making investigated network taking into account influence of external destabilising factors are presented.
Pages: 26-34


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