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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №9 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The identification of transient processes of powerful turbogenerators in operating conditions by graphoanalitical, probabilistic and statistical methods
synchronous machine
transient process
time constant
random attribute
mathematical expectation
mean square error
A.I. Sudakov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department "Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics" Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: sudakov38@mail.ru
E.A. Chabanov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department "Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics" Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: ceapb@mail.ru
Experience of sudden symmetrical short-circuit is more suitable for testing of synchronous machines at the factory, because it is difficult to carry out on-site installation. Experience in the field blanking with the short-circuit armature winding is an alternative experience of sudden symmetrical short-circuit in the field of installation and operation. Operating mode of synchronous machines in the experience of the field blanking does not differ from the corresponding experience of sudden symmetrical short-circuit.
Research has established that the determination of electromagnetic parameters of synchronous machines according to the standards for electrical machines by graphical-analytical method does not provide accurate identification of the parameters of the transient process due to impact on it various random factors. In particular in the real transient processes of synchronous machines it confirmed the fact of the deviation of various exponentially damped components from the experimental data. To evaluate the variance degree of the components in a variety of transient processes of synchronous machines from the exponential the time constant has been proposed as a random characteristic. The time constant indirectly dependent on random character of change ordinate current or voltage in the windings of the synchronous machine in real experiments. Thus arose the idea of using probabilistic and statistical methods for the identification of of transient processes of synchronous machines. These methods are based on probability theory and mathematical statistics.
In previously published work there is detailed testing of probabilistic and statistical methods for the identification of transient processes of synchronous machines with error analysis based on the results of bench tests in the experiments of sudden symmetrical short-circuit, field blanking, voltage recovery. The results of the identification of probabilistic and statistical methods in comparison with the graphical-analytical method gave very promising results. Identification of the transient process in the experience of sudden symmetrical short-circuit for synchronous machines using probabilistic and statistical methods for the different test modes was several times more accurate than using graphic-analytical method. Potential opportunities of probabilistic and statistical methods detailed in these papers: rating of impact current of the synchronous machine in the experience of sudden symmetrical short-circuit can be carried out without determining the parameters identification of transient processes of synchronous machines; studied the possibility of determining the induction resistance along the transverse axis with the assessment of its deviation from those resistances along the longitudinal axis; studied possibility of identification the parameters of transient processes of synchronous machines in phase that has recovered from the available information. This article presents a validation of probabilistic and statistical methods for the identification of the transient process of the synchronous machine of high power (50 MW) in the experiments field blanking with open and closed armature winding.
Research algorithm in the identification of experience of field blanking reviewed for the case of an open armature winding:
1. Selection the envelope for amplitude values of voltage (current) in an open (closed) armature winding throughout the transient process.
2. Rationale of boundaries of the transient process to obtain information about the section of transition component for its identification.
3. Formation in reasonable boundaries of the transient process the general population of the random characteristic, ie, kj-s time constants.
4. Determination of the parameters of the general series, representative sample of it and efficient point sampling.
5. Identification of subtransient component of the transient process of the synchronous machine.
6. Determination of criteria evaluation of the quality of approaching the identified transient process to the experienced throughout the transition process.
The identification of transient processes in the experience of field blanking in operation is more appropriately carried out by using effective point samplings with the control on a representative sample of the general population of the random characteristic.
Pages: 33-38
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