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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №9 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Simulation of field-oriented control system of induction motor
induction motor
angle observer
evaluator of rotor flux linkage
field-oriented control system
E.M. Solodkiy - Engineer, Department of Microprocessor Automation, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: wsdl00@gmail.com
D.A. Dadenkov - Senior Lecturer, Department of Microprocessor Automation, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: dadenkov@mail.ru
A.M. Shachkov - Undergraduate Student, Department of Microprocessor Automation, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: ajiexa_@mail.ru
K.V. Pavlovskaja - Student, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: ksenia.shirockova@yandex.ru
The paper presents the results of development and simulation of field-oriented induction motor system based on indirect methods of estimation of the electrical angle and the amplitude of the rotor flux vector. А brief description of the principles of implementation of vector control and the basic methods of calculating the variables required to build the control system is considered. With use of the mathematical description of electromagnetic processes in the induction motor the structure of vector control system with orientation on a vector of the rotor flux vector is offered. It allows to organize two independent channels of control torque and flux linkage, by analogy with a control system of a DC motor. In article the method of indirect orientation with use of information on the instant values of stator currents and voltages is considered. To calculate the electrical speed is used the equations of EMF balance of the stator and rotor, which written in the form of space vectors, rotating at the electrical speed of the stator field. Based on these equations the observers of electrical angle and amplitude of the rotor flux in the simulation environment MexBIOS Development Studio are developed. The simulation results obtained that the speed of the motor goes to set point without overshoot and control system fulfills perturbation influence. The results indicate the correctness of the developed control system components and a satisfactory setting current and speed controllers. The research confirms the effectiveness of the proposed methods for constructing field-oriented system of sensor vector control. The proposed in paper approaches and simulations allow is debugging of designed control systems to the immediate implementation on the microcontroller.
Pages: 26-32
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