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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Method of compensation of interference in a MIMO radar for short range
MIMO (Multiple input - Multiple output) radar system or MIMO radar
summary-range method for define of position
interference beat-s compensation method
K.Yu. Gavrilov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Director of Educational Research and Production Center (ERPC), Faculty of Flying Vehicles Radio Electronics, Moscow aviation institute (National Research Uneversity). E-mail: gvrk61@mail.ru
D.V. Kolotov - Design Engineer, Izhevskiy Radiozavod AO, (Izhevsk). E-mail: boxforw@gmail.com
Analysis of uprise reasons and properties of geometric position points of false targets on the radar image was carried out. False targets caused by influence of signal interference in scanned area with some other targets or things. Type of radar that observed is the short-range MIMO (Multiple input - Multiple output) radar. Change of geometric position transceiver elements cause to migration false targets on the radar image. It-s use to reducing false targets on the final radar image.
The new method of processing short-range MIMO radar signals was designed. New approach allows to significantly-reduce number brightness points of false targets in comparison with brightness points of true targets in area with some in-terference beat. Using of secondary thresholding of radar image allow to fully compensate all false targets.
The simulation results of radar image short-range MIMO with primary and secondary thresholding by PC (personal computer) are shown. That results demonstrate high efficiency this method for compensating interference beat. Efficiency of reducing false targets increases with the number of different pairs of geometric position transceiver elements.
Pages: 44-52
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