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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №6 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Mathematical model of providing the state services by civil registry office
S.Yu. Sazonov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of information systems and technologies, Southwest State University (Kursk). E-mail: serg_saz@mail.ru A.V. Belokopytov - Post-graduate Student, Southwest State University (Kursk). E-mail: alexey-slavyanin@mail.ru
The present stage of rendering the state services to the population, implementation of regulations from public authorities is characterized by high temporary and substantially variable requirements. On the one hand, the nomenclature of the state services significantly extended, and also volumes of the requested and provided information in the form of sets of diverse data increased: images, statistical tables, texts, binary massifs. On the other hand, temporary requirements of administrative regulations received the fixed temporary borders outside which activity of public authorities can\'t be considered as the effectively executed. Especially sharply these contradictions are shown at realization of the state services within the civil registry office regional committees having relative autonomy as it should be execution of the state services and the centralized subordination. The program systems supporting functions of the analysis, design and optimization of business processes in public authorities in general and in civil registry office in particular have to be tools of the automated solution of the described tasks. For this purpose most the CASE means focused on work with organizational and administrative processes of activity of the commercial enterprises, the budgetary establishments and public authorities approach. However now they don\'t contain the developed automated instruments of optimization and decision-making which it is possible, without subjecting to changes, to apply the civil registry office to the solution of administrative tasks of bodies. In such systems CASE systems there are no possibilities of calculation and an assessment of indicators of an optimality of business processes in relation to civil registry office on granting sets of diverse data. Offered in work of the theorist - multiple models of the consumer of the state service and most state service the ac-count of the applied normalization of values have the general area of values. In this regard the success and quality of rea-lization of the state services will be a product of ratios of indicators of the general nature. This feature of models has to be considered within the information and analytical model of a portal of services including the structural relations of entry of an indicator of the consumer of the state service into model of the state service.
Pages: 60-64


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