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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №6 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Construction of systems of monitoring of indicators reliability of building structures
T.I. Lapina - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department of information systems and technologies, Southwest State University (Kursk). E-mail: lapinati@mail.ru D.V. Lapin - Research Scientist, Scientific Research Centre (Kursk); 18 Central Research Institute of the Military Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow). E-mail: lapindv@mail.ru E.A. Petric - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Southwest State University (Kursk). E-mail: po61@mail.ru
In this article the approach to construction of system of monitoring of indicators of reliability of structures based on the analysis and classification of measurement data signals and the formation of informative signs describing the dynamics of processes in building structures based on the analysis of indicators of Hirst and obtain an analytical description of the random process analyzed based on the method of normalization of the data. An important property of normalized in the [0,1] interval data is the possibility to distinguish informative characteristics of the original sample of Dan-tion for the problems of systematization and classification. It is shown that the structural properties of the sample data are characterized by a set of indicators as the initial and Central moments. Using measures of information-tional differences of sample data and distance between the compared signals as a criterion of classification significantly simplified stith classification procedures when building systems for monitoring and control. The Hurst exponent is used to assess stochasticity, or the determination of the degree of determinism of the analyzed random processes, and estimation of the time intervals of predictability.
Pages: 34-38


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