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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №6 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Use of fuzzy inference and OWA Yager operator for assessment
of complex organization and technical systems
complex organizational and technical system
infor-mation system
competitive intelligence
fuzzy production system
the operator Jager
the threshold function
A.E. Zernyshkin - Post-graduate Student, Scientific Research Centre (Kursk); 18 Central Research Institute of the Military Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow)
A.S. Sizov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of information systems and technologies, Southwest State University (Kursk)
The paper proposes an approach to the assessment of complex organizational-technical systems (COTS) based on the direct fuzzy inference system is used as an aggregate function OWA operator of Jager. The aim is to develop a method for assessing the state of a competing enterprise on the basis of competitive intelligence data.
It is shown that SOTS monitoring and management issues in recent years acquired a special urgency. Any enterprise, company or corporation is SOTS. Get up to date information about the rival SOTS becomes an essential tool to enhance competitiveness. For getting information about competitors in the daily activities of the organizations are widely introduced competitive intelligence system.
The paper argues that SOTS state is largely determined by the aggregate state of its information systems (IS). Status IS determined by the aggregate value of its parameters, a change of values that has a dominant influence on it. In assessing the state of the IS set level of influence of each meaningful parameter on her condition.
For an integrated assessment of the impact of the set IS parameters on the state of its authors has a direct modification of the system of fuzzy inference Mamdani, except for the last stage of aggregation of the outputs of each product. For aggregate, taking into account the opinion of the domain expert, it proposed to use OWAoperator of Jager.
The result which is an integral indicator of united values of membership functions of the linguistic variable \"level of influence on the state.\"
The values obtained are compared with the effect of levels of linguistic assessments of the variable \"Ability to find the IS in a position to N» The obtained values allow to form a hypothesis about the state considered IS.
Thus, the article proposed a method for assessing the state of the IS, taking into account the fuzzy nature of the IS properties and the degree of importance of each IS parameter for the decision makers. The developed method is proposed as a theoretical basis of the initial assessment phase SOTS state.
Pages: 21-28
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