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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Remote monitoring and diagnostics system for the heavy-duty op-eration of quarry machinery
transport vehicle
monitoring and diagnostics of ve-hicle components
information visualization
rational interpolation
О.A. Kaptsevich - Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, OJSC «AGAT-control systems» - Managing Company of the Holding «Geoinformation control systems», Minsk, Republic of Belarus. E-mail: vip.alehk@mail.ru
The article contains the method of data processing and graphical information visualization from the sensors of the main equipment mounted onto the mining dump trucks BELAZ based on the theory and rational interpolation algorithm. The system of remote monitoring and diagnostics for mining dump trucks has been developed. It is intended for the automation of the operation process, diagnostics, acquisition, recording and display of information about the state of units and assemblies of the mining dump trucks BELAZ. The positioning technologies on the basis of the satellite navigation systems GPS/GLONASS signals are applied. The use of the rational interpolation method in the system for graphical information visualization demonstrated its performance efficiency in the conditions of the available statistical data (parameters of the equipment operation mounted on the transport vehicle and performance criteria of the vehicle) for the singular points and sharp changes that are specific for the real operation conditions. The performance efficiency of the system has been tested and approved in real operation conditions of BELAZ trucks at one of the pit-runs of Belarus. In future the system can be applied by the transport organizations and enterprises that operate, maintain and monitor the technical state of the car park in order to ensure the remote state control of certain assemblies of the vehicle and troubleshooting in real time mode.
Pages: 56-63
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