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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The research of true crossing selection of bearings algorithms with using of elevation angle in triangulation task solution
U.A. Aparovich - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of sector, OJSC «AGAT-control systems» - Managing Company of the Holding «Geoinformation control systems», Minsk, Republic of Belarus A.I. Minau - Leading Engineer, OJSC «AGAT-control systems» - Managing Company of the Holding «Geoinformation control systems», Minsk, Republic of Belarus T.U. Prakofyeva - Leading Engineer, OJSC «AGAT-control systems» - Managing Company of the Holding «Geoinformation control systems», Minsk, Republic of Belarus. E-mail: vladimir.aparovich@tut.by
One method of determining the coordinates of directors jamming method is triangulation. The main objective of using this method is the selection (selection) true bearing intersections and false rejection. The initial information for solving the problem in the article are the azimuth and elevation angles of each goal (bearing), obtained from the two radars. Explore new algorithms 1 and 2 breeding true intersections based on the \"method of permutations\" - with over all sorts of options intersections bearing and the choice of the most suitable for a particular criterion: the minimum amount to each of the two radars maximum absolute deviation of the heights of their average value (algorithm 1); by minimizing the sum of squares of the difference angle space (algorithm 2). Also investigated algorithms 3 and 4 on the basis of a decision rule - a comparison of the absolute height difference obtained for each of the intersections of the two bearings radar with a predetermined threshold value: a well-known algorithm 3 - with a constant threshold; a new algorithm 4 - with stepwise changing the threshold value.Simulation is carried out for the purposes of constructing the three options: the front, in the column and randomly distributed in a predetermined region. Analysis of the results showed that the proposed new algorithm 2 provides for efficient selection of true intersection. Several inferior to him a new algorithm 4. Algorithm 1 can be used as an auxiliary for the purposes of building the case front.
Pages: 31-35


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