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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Abstract model management planning process the decision support system
N.N. Kravchuk - Leading Engineer, Open Joint Stock Company «AGAT-Control Systems» - Managing Company of Geonformation Control Systmes Golding», Minsk, Republic of Belarus
The planning process in the conditions of taking emergency decisions, as a rule, carried out a series-parallel by multiple planners (planners group), which requires the coordination of the action plan proposed by different planners. The article describes a method of constructing an abstract model of the management planning process and use it in decision support systems. The basis of the model is a graph of the planning process, on the basis of which the elementary functions of for-mation plan and private assessment of its optimality criteria are integrated into a single process to create multiple versions of the plan meet the predetermined optimality criteria. Abstract model management planning process by editing the graph allows the planning process to change the composition and sequence of functions in the formation of plans and selection criteria for the coordination of complex functions to change the formation of the optimal plans.
Application of the proposed article abstract models in decision support systems, management planning process can ensure the creation of a universal instrument managed automated formation of different plans operating on a set of basic functions and a set of graphs of the planning process, the ability to adapt to changes in the requirements to the functional system with minimal costs.
Pages: 16-23
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