350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Analytical model of interaction of the operator with information model of the automated workplace
S.V. Kruglikov - Dr.Sc. (Mil.), Associate Professor, Belorus - Military Academy (Minsk). E-mail: ankru-26@yandex.ru D.I. Rabchonak - Head of Group Research and Production Center, Belorus - Military Academy (Minsk). E-mail: rii1951@yandex.ru
The developed analytical model allows to numerically analyze the actions of the operator based on a specific embodiment of a dynamic information model of the situation and to bring the bandwidth requirements of the operator and the accuracy of his work in ergatic management system. The implementation of these requirements is particularly relevant in the development of information models in systems designed to operate in the conditions of dynamically-changing environment, as it allows the operator to successfully eliminate the emerging conflict situations related to lack of time. The speed of the operator with the elements of the information model, is one of the fundamental criteria for the development of the latest in a rapidly-changing environment. It is necessary to ensure not only high, but a guaranteed speed of information processing by the operator. Error-free operation of the operator, along with the work rate is the main criterion when building information model elements dynamically changing environment. The proposed analytical model can solve the problem of two-criteria optimization model for the information of the precision and time components. Improved thus information model will be characterized by: an optimal balance of information, in terms of workload faces the decision maker; the scope and capabilities of the operator on the effective implementation of its functions. The use of the proposed analytical model will increase the efficiency of designed ergonomics systems, in situations involving a high load of the operator and increase the quality of management, by optimizing the information model as a component of the display subsystem.
Pages: 37-44


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