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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The compact P-band UAV-s SAR
O.V. Vasilyev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Chief Designer - Head of the thematic areas
JSC «International Aeronavigation Systems Concern» (IANS) (Moscow). E-mail: Vas_ov@mail.ru
A.N. Detkov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, JSC «International Aeronavigation Systems Concern» (IANS) (Moscow). E-mail: detkov_an@mail.ru
O.N. Zinchenko - Director of Development of CJSC «Electronic VLSI Engineering & Embedded Systems» (ELVEES) (Moscow). E-mail: oleg@elvees.com
A.V. Krishtopov - Ph.D. (Eng.), General Director, Limited Liability Company «ELIARS» (Moscow). E-mail: kravia@mail.ru
O.E. Tsvetkov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist, JSC «International Aeronavigation Systems Concern» (IANS) (Moscow). E-mail: al.vetckov@yandex.ru
The urgency of creating foliage penetration (FOPEN) radar in the P-band to detect the crash site of aircraft under forest cover, and other tasks. The possibility of creating a compact SAR P-band (SAR-P) on modern element base, which realizes the synthesis of probing pulse signals flexibly adjustable parameters, using two polarizations, small size and power consumption. The structure and the basic performance characteristics of P-band SAR for UAV. To check and testing of the main characteristics of JSC «International Aeronavigation Systems Concern» (IANS) was made mock SAR-P on the basis of active phased antenna array. As a basic element base transmit-receive modules SAR-P used the GaN-transistors. The layout is im-plemented digital signal conditioner, built on the architecture of a DDS. Providing a high-resolution SAR-P range is realized by using a sounding LFM signal.
The results of experimental studies of the layout SAR-P on aircraft An-2. Radar imaging was carried out in the course of performance, in general, the standard sequence of procedures: compression in range and azimuth of 2-D focusing (azimuth compression). The 2-D nature of the compression process in azimuth is due to migration of the signal range of channels at high resolution. When synthesizing large intervals - 10 ... 15 sec conducted adaptive autofocus. The conducted flight tests layout SAR-P showed that the layout allows the formation, processing and display of radar data in the coordinates: \"slant range - azimuth\" with a resolution of at least 5 m and a dynamic band of 50 ... 70 dB. These radar images confirm the unique ability to detect objects unique to the P-band.
Pages: 44-54
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