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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis of a differential connection link in quadrature phase-synchronization systems of high-precision
G.N. Arsenyev - Ph.D. (Ped.), Professor, Radio-Location and Radio-Navigation Department, MIREA N. Shalaby - Telecommunications Engineer, Post-graduate Student, MIREA P.Yu. Chesnokov - Radio-Electronic Systems Engineer, Post-graduate Student, MIREA
Traditional quadrature phase-synchronization systems with a closed feedback loop control, are widely used in radio-technical systems and complexes. Many domestic and foreign scientific papers have been dedicated to analyse and promote the performance of phase-locked loop (PLL) systems. The closed-loop quadrature phase-synchronization systems have a main characteristic disadvantage, namely the raising of the order of astatism to eliminate dynamic errors, affects the stability conditions of the PLL system. The goal of this paper is to design the main structure, and perform the precision analysis of a quadrature phase-synchronization system of high precision. Our study has produced the following results: 1- In accordance with the principle of combined control, a closed-loop control system with a differential link - branching off the system\'s input - has been designed, which represents an equivalent to a compound system (combined control system). 2- The mathematical model of the correcting element in the differential link has been synthesized, with the order of astatism raised from the first to the third, and the transient time response unaltered. 3- The physical realization of the open differential control channel has been specified. 4- By means of computer modelling, the physical model of the system has been built and investigated, verifying the complete elimination of the errors caused by the input\'s phase rate of change (speed) and its phase acceleration. The error due to the third order derivative acquires a constant value, whereas that due to the fourth order derivative increases in its value linearly.
Pages: 28-43


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