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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The formation of the probabilistic model procedures for the exchange of information in the control system of unmanned aerial vehicle
an unmanned aerial vehicle
highly directional anten-na
communication system
method of spatial scanning
A.B. Sukhachev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, CJSC «Moscow Scientific and Research Television Institute». E-mail: mniti@mniti.ru
A.P. Rukin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Russian Federation Ministry of Defence (Moscow). E-mail: mniti@mniti.ru
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is now widely used to solve different tasks in the military and in the national economy. One of the most important tasks carried out by DRONES, is monitoring the underlying surface using equipment in the payload UAV. Sustainable information sharing in control systems of unmanned aerial vehicles is the fundamental argument of the target function of timely and full exchange of information between the UAV and the control point (CP). To communicate over long distances in the channels of the UAV control systems typically use highly directional antennas.
The proposed approach to the assessment of the relationship of two moving objects, taking into account the spatial orientation of chart orientation of their highly directional antennas based on probabilistic methods. The model procedures for the exchange of information in the control system of unmanned aircraft.
To assess the effectiveness of the system of information exchange proposed two-factor multiplicative model. Performance indicators for the proposed model is characterized by the presence of persistent state in the system of exchange of information and the stability of the directional automatic tracking system. The performance indicators are measured as probabilities of events.
A probabilistic model of information exchange procedures in the control system of unmanned aircraft. The proposed model of information exchange in the control system of unmanned aircraft, is based on the application of the mathematical tools of the theory of absorbing Markov chains.
The Markov models, describes the process of linking two objects, equipped of two highly directional antennas, or a single highly directional antenna and a single slaw directional antenna. Derived expressions for the evaluation of the minimum time that the two-way communication in a communication system. Expressions are obtained for the assessment of the likelihood of establishing a sustainable link in the control system of unmanned aircraft systems for the use for communication of two highly directional antennas, or a single highly directional antenna and a single slaw directional antenna.
Pages: 19-27
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