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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Evaluation of replicas consistency characteristics in NoSQL databases
E.V. Tsviashchenko - Post-graduate Student, Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Leading Specialist, LLC "RPC "CRONOS-INFORM - (Moscow)
E- mail: eugene.tsviashchenko@gmail.com
While using replication on NoSQL databases the problem of replicas agreement is appeared. It is manifested as follows: once the record is updated on the one node, data on others nodes become stale. Consistency level can be adjusted by parameters (N, W, R): N - count of nodes, on which the record will be replicated eventually (may be with some latency); W - count of nodes (replicas), on which data has to be written in fact (after this, an answer about operation success will be send to user; if W
Pages: 98-100
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