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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Approximate queries processing with estimated errors in big multidimensional data warehouses
Yu.A. Grigorev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Information Processing Systems and Management, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
E-mail: grigorev@bmstu.ru
A.O. Ukharov - Ph.D.(Eng.), PH Informatics Corp. (Moscow)
E- mail: oukharov@gmail.com
Approximate query processing originated in OLAP where it is important to discover data relationships and trends rather than get an accurate answer. It involves creation of the compressed dataset and run queries over it.
There are 3 main approaches for approximate query processing: 1) sampling, 2) histograms, and 3) wavelet trans-forms. The quality of sampling and histogramshighly depend on the dataset. Histograms provide substantial errors for res-toring single values andhigh building cost for multidimensional data. The wavelet approach performs well, buthas some fundamental issues: the existing errors estimation methods are focused on the overall relative errors and their upper limits; errors of single and summary values cannot be evaluated.
We obtained the random error of restoring single, summary values andan arbitrary function over the compressed da-taset. Wesetuptheprobabilityspace. Let be randomly uniformly distributed over the wavelet de-composition cube. Then the particular decomposition W with coefficients is a single sample of the relevant population.These coefficients located in certain positions and will be wiped during compression.
We showed that the error distribution function converges to the normal distribution while increasing the compression ratio and.It-s true for a general query (sum,average). We investigated the rate of convergence andestimatedthe confidence interval of original values restoration errors. We discovered that in case of a large number of wiped wavelet coefficients the variance ofthe original single value restoration is approximately equal to the square of the mean square error of restoration ofall elements.
We developed the software tool and could reduce the sample data up to 60% while getting up to 47% gain in query processing time. The single value error was observed at 5.8 (estimated 6.2%) for confidence interval.
The proposed method of approximate query processing provides estimated confidence intervals of original values restoration errors depending on the compression ratio as well as estimated size of the compressed dataset for as given error. We analyzed the mathematical model adequacy and acceptable accuracy for single and summary queries. We showed the gain in query processing time depending on a compression ratio.
Pages: 79-89
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