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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Prospects of data processing and management systems development in the next decade (2020 - 2030)
solvable problems
structure of application\'s complex
direction of the technological platform\'s development
А.А. Sukhobokov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Data Processing and Management systems, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Principal Consultant of SAP CIS (Moscow)
E-mail: artem.sukhobokov@yandex.ru
The article contains a brief history of the development of MRP, MRP II, ERP and ERP II systems, analysis of the features of the current generation - ERP III systems, and a forecast is made that the main reference model after 2020 will be the ERP IV system.
Problems are shown which must be solved by ERP IV systems in various areas - in manufacturing industry, agriculture, distribution, transport, power generation and in the housing and utility sector. As in all previous cases of the transition to the next new concept of ERP systems, structure of the application complex will be expanded by the inclusion of pre-existing independent applications and new components. The number of local control loops will be increased significantly in the ERP IV due to the widespread use of cognitive services. The main control loop of the asset management and main control loop of HR management will be included in the structure of application complex additionally to the traditional main control loop of materials. Also, the principal control loop of strategic management will be added to provide synchronization of several parallel main control loops. One of directions of the technology platforms - development will be expansion of the functionality of integrated Open Source platforms as Spark, Flink, Beam, etc., and the transition of ERP systems for small medium enterprises to their use. The ability to dynamically expand the cloud infrastructure using idle computing resources embedded in all kinds of equipment will be another direction of technology platforms - development.
By examples of previous generations ERP systems is shown that the development and preliminary discussion of va-riants has a positive effect on the nascence and rapid recognition of the basic concept of a new generation systems. On the ERP III example is shown that the absence of preliminary versions of the next generation systems can delay the formulation of robust main concept for 2-3 years and be a cause of the delayed recognition of this class of systems. However, it is not delays the time of the appearance of following main concept due to an objective process of technology development.
Pages: 69-78
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