350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Big data analytical processing technologies
Yu.A. Grigorev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Information Processing Systems and Management, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: grigorev@bmstu.ru
Big Data term appears in almost all talks related to data mining and analysis in a wide range of areas including economy, manufacturing, marketing, telecommunications. Most companies use Big Data in customer service (53%) and operational effectiveness (40%). The article describes most popular technologies for Big Data processing: OLAP, MapReduce /Hadoop and Spark. OLAP was introduced in 1993. It-s based on data warehouses (DW) ? databases containing a large amount of data structured in a convenient for analysis way. DW relies on multi-dimensional data representation: MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP. The last hybrid model combines first two approaches: the data is stored in a relational database (ROLAP), and aggregates - in the multidimensional (MOLAP). Scalability is the issue for OLAP tools: with increasing of the original dataset size the cost of implementation growth dramatically. NoSQL technique implements a new strategy based on open source solutions and native scalability and reliability due to the multiple replication of database records at a number of low cost nodes. The data is stored as . Value may contain aggregates to avoid reading from multiple tables. However, NoSQL has limited functionality for complex queries processing. The next step of evolution is MapReduce (MR) technique, e.g. Hadoop implementation with HDFS files system. The article details the example of joining two tables on Hadoop technology. The processing of records includes: Map: → list | Reduce: → list. Hadoop is hard to configure, it involves a lot of R/W operations and query processing time is high. Further studies were focused on MR technique improvements. Spark is one of such tools. The article provides reviews of queries processing schemas in Hadoop and Spark, comparison of performance, fault tolerance and ease of programming. Spark demonstrates better performance and usability. Hadoop is more reliable: if a node fails it restarts map/reduce functions on the other node. To conclude, the article reviews weak and strong points of OLAP, MapReduce/Hadoop, and Spark techniques. Ex-pensive parallel relational DBMS (Teradata, Oracle Exadata) have high cost of implementation OLAP. MapReduce technique provides affordable tools for processing Big Data.
Pages: 59-68


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