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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Ergonomic problems in information processing system
system-activity approach
the system man-machine
information model
human operator
control loop
the visual analyzer
ergonomic software
B.S. Goryachkin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Information Processing and Management», Bauman Moscow State Technical University
The article describes the ergonomic problems of the automated systems of information processing and management (in-formation processing system), that arise in the design and during their operation. Moreover, in the last few decades these issues have become more important, as it changed the weak point of the systems, a critical component that dramatically changes the view of the root causes of the possible failure of systems. Strategically the focus of \"problematic\" systems \"man-machine\" has shifted to the human operator (CHO) and human factor in the design of automated systems requires a completely different attitude and different approaches. The achievement of the ergonomics of the information processing system play a major role for high-performance and highly efficient operation of such systems.
Analyzing the process of creating automated systems of information processing and management, and noting the need for a systematic approach to the design, the author proposes not to apply the traditional approaches and methods that do not bring the desired result in the operation of the system, as it is not able to provide all the nuances of representation, display and perception of output information models of regime change and work rhythm, and most important - conduct and provide full functionality in abnormal and emergency situations, and to consider the human factor as a component of the full-scale de-sign, the result of which will be taken into account not only certain restrictions and parameters of the person, and to design functional CHO, program behavior models and algorithms of operator activity. This approach is called systemic activity. The article describes the approach: preconditions, essence, purpose, scheme, objectives, problem areas.
Another problem linked to the efficient perception and comprehension of information. Analyzed and displayed hidden reserves of increase of efficiency of functioning of the information processing system and human management, in particular, the solution of this problem.
Significant ergonomic concern is the evaluation of the ergonomic support system. Ergonomic expertise as a priority and the main assessment tool at the same time, the procedure is extremely time-consuming and costly, requiring the presence of a team of developers ergonomists high class, not one expert focus group, the use of modern methods and means of measurements and, accordingly, knowledge of instruments and devices for these measurements. This forces to find efficient, economical and rational means of assessing the ergonomics of the information processing system and visual presentation of the results of this evaluation. The author suggests one of the ways this assessment is the development of the ergonomic certificate - a document reflecting the most critical parameters of the ergonomic support system of processing and displaying information. Analysis of the perception can be divided into two stages:
receive General information that is coming from the monitor screen of the display means of the information processing system, given the operating conditions, external conditions (especially the level of external illumination, defined by natural and artificial light) for image formation depending on the properties of the monitor and parameters of the technical means of the system, etc. (total ergonomic score);
receiving specific output screen forms produced at the output of the information processing system is developed, especially given the complex graphic and cartographic information models with a high degree of detailing and highly saturated (private ergonomic assessment).
The article describes how the structure and composition of the certificate and describes the options analysis, selection and calculation of its characteristics and parameters.
Pages: 38-47
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