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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Algorithmic method of the description discrete processes of functioning of systems
V.M. Chernenkiy - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Information Processing System and Management, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: chernen@bmstu.ru
The paper is devoted to solving one of the process theory problems, namely, the problem of structure constructing for a process description. Process theory existing studies mainly focus on the process developing for the scheme constriction, its characteristics, classification and properties. However, an important practical problem for defining the architecture of the process description regardless of the nature of its development remains poorly studied. The paper contains a brief method summary for process structure description. It based on the developed by author algorithmic model for the structure de-scription presentation. The model uses terms such as an elementary operator, elementary track operators and an initiator. There are given definitions and characteristics for the introduced terms. Results of algorithm and programming theories were used for the analysis. The analysis of the algorithmic model allowed the convolution operation of the track in a certain structure to be determined. It significantly reduced the scale of the track, but required to extend the term of an elementary operator. The initiator term expansion allowed to produce the track convolution describing homogeneous processes and to introduce additional properties of elementary operators for a possibility their interaction with local process environments. Next, there are considered next terms: a resource, a resource conflict and conflict resolution methods. It allowed to talk about a possibility to describe a connected set of parallel-sequential processes. The track analysis allowed to formulate functional-parametric scheme terms, on the basis of which the block concept was formulated. It is proposed to define three types of blocks: aggregates, processors and controllers. Introduction of these blocks allowed to describe such schemes of the aggregated processes for the system operation as aggregative, processive and streaming schemes. At this stage, one essential feature of algorithmic model appeared: the possibility to consider such different schemes at the first glance from a unified standpoint. Strict principles of algorithmic models have allowed to formulate meta-language descriptions of overlapping processes, possessing both properties of simplicity and versatility. The proposed meta-language allows the developer (before he begins the process of compiling up the simulation program) to develop and describe the modeling concept of the whole system, to identify all blocks, their types, conflict resolution approaches, blocks the interaction parameters. It allows the developer to select a reasonable modeling program system. The result analysis allowed to formulate requirements to a certain quasi-parallel process construction and to a management simulation program construction. This allows the simulation model developer to build an economical simulation algorithm focused on his description. This is important when it comes to creating a compact simulation model in the object control loop. Thus, the proposed methodic for process structure description allowed to solve a wide range of complex system modeling problems.
Pages: 11-21


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