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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №11 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Circuit Simultation of DC/DC Converters
DC/DC converter
EWB program
power button/power switch witha MOSFET transistor
MOSFET driver key
PWM control
V.P. Babenko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow Technological University (MIREA)
E-mail: babenko@mirea.ru
V.K. Bityukov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, Moscow Technological University (MIREA)
E-mail: bitukov@mirea.ru
D.S. Simachkov - Senior Lecturer, Moscow Technological University (MIREA)
E-mail: vovagr@mail.ru
There has been considered a circuit simulation of DC/DC convertersusingan Electronics Workbench 5.12 (EWB) simulation program for electronic circuits. Special studywas needed to be made of the key properties of the MOSFET transistorsinthe EWB library, presented within the applied mathematical models. For that matterthere has been developed a circuit scheme to study the static and dynamic characteristics of keys for n-channel MOSFET transistors provided by the embedded International Rectifier and Zetex Semiconductorslibraries. It is found that the transistors under investigation have rathera small channel resistance,of about 0.01 ohms, a rapidrateup of to 100 kHz, the input capacitance of about 20 nF, and they are well fit for the modeling of circuits of DC/DC converters. There has been developed and investigated acircuit driver for the MOSFET high-side bootstrap powerswitch. The parameters have been optimized of the bootstrap chain in the range of switching frequency of 10-100 kHz. With the help of EWB there has been created, as an independent library component,a high-side MOSFET driver switch. There has been investigated load, control and power characteristics of the step down DC/DC converter with PWM control,having an output current up to 2.5 A and efficiency of about 90%. The simulation shows that the components of EWB libraries, including MOSFET power transistors, allow to obtainthe results close to the datasheet characteristicsof well-known manufacturers of integrated DC/DC converters.
Pages: 69-82
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