350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Electrooptical device for concurrent control of instrument panel responses
S.V. Degtyarev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Southwest State University (Kursk) Y.A. Lysenko - Chief Engineer E-mail: yanlys1@yandex.ru E.N. Ivanova - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, Southwest State University (Kursk) E-mail: sergeyd12@gmail.com A.I. Katykhin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Southwest State University (Kursk) E-mail: katykhin.a@gmail.com
In the article the authors describe the electrooptical device for concurrent control of instrument panel responses which re-duces the time required for engineering diagnostics of the instrument panel consisted of several indicators such as pointer, digital and light ones. The device consists of the following components: digital videocamera, digital videocamera controller, working tem-porary storage, evaluator of pointer indicator responses, evaluator of liquid-crystal display responses, evaluator of light in-dicator responses, key unit, liquid-crystal display unit, input-output controller, signal generators, key decoder, address and control bus, data bus. The main part of calculations is done with the help of the programmable integrated logical circuit which has made it possible to carry out the concurrent control of instrument panel responses.
Pages: 30-33


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