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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The encoding of text data streams in e-commerce systems based on scrambling
T.I. Lapina - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Southwest State University (Kursk)
E-mail: lapinati@mail.ru
D.V. Lapin - Research Scientist, Scientific Research Centre (Kursk); 18 Central Research Institute of the Military Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow)
E-mail: lapindv@mail.ru
E.A. Petric - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Southwest State University (Kursk)
E-mail: po61@mail.ru
O.E. Zhelanova - Post-graduate Student, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Southwest State University (Kursk)
When working in e-Commerce systems one of the most vulnerable channels of information leakage are the telephone line for General use and Internet connection that allows access to information which is confidential to the company.
In article the approach to the hidden intra-corporate commercial information on the basis of skremblirovanie stream of text messages using the method of scrambling using updated those present of the key to (de)coding of in-house information, dif-available from the classical method.
The classical method performs scrambling on the transmitting side data encryption through the implementation of logical operations of summation modulo 2 (ordinary function XOR with a fixed key) of the source and transforming pseudo-random binary stream, and the receiving side reverse operation recovery (descrambler-tion)
The algorithm to compute the next key value uses a special function to pairs of initial sifrovany bytes. As a result of the operation does not depend on the order of the operands in the pair, then this algorithm will change its variables by decoding in exactly the same way as with the encryption, but the sequence of keys for other inputs will be different, which significantly increases the durability of protection.
Pages: 25-29
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