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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Methodical approach to substantiate the appropriateness of intelligent information technology for the synthesis of models of management of complex organizational and technical systems
intelligent information technology
complex technical systems
mathematical modeling
synthesis models
S.P. Hripunov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Federal Budgctary Institution «The Main Scientific Research Center of Robotic» Minisyry of Defencse of the Russian Federation (Moscow)
D.S. Chirov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department, Federal Budgctary Institution «The Main Scientific Research Center of Robotic» Minisyry of Defencse of the Russian Federation (Moscow)
Analysis of the features of complex organizational and technical systems shows that the management of such systems is not a trivial task and difficult to formalize. The reason for this is the presence and active participation (manifestation) of the human factor in the system, as well as individual management and executive activities. All this requires the synthesis of models of management of complex organizational and technical systems specific methods to model the (play) the judgment of experienced professionals-managers, for example, logical-linguistic modeling. However, logical-linguistic models, as a rule, be submitted in the form of expert data and heuristic descriptions of regularities (logical rules). This fact leads to considerable complication management model, so the synthesis of models of management of complex organizational and technical systems it is necessary to assess the feasibility of the use of intellectual information technologies, formalized description of which has so far not available.
The analysis of possible approaches shows that the solution of the problem to assess the feasibility of complication man-agement model through the use of logical-linguistic structures can be found by comparing the complexity of the model in-creases of ΔK and quality control ΔR. As a means of comparison can be used \"greedy\" concept, that is, ΔR>>ΔK, or com-promise the concept of (Pareto-optimal solutions). This methodical approach allows, in a first approximation, to formalize the task of assessing the appropriateness of intelligent information technology for the synthesis of models of management of complex organizational and technical systems.
Pages: 39-47
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