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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №9 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Modernization of IT infrastructure at creation of the situational centers
A.A. Baydarov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Research Scientist, Department of Automatic and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Е-mail: cchp@bk.ru A.A. Yuzhakov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Automatic and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Е-mail: uz@at.pstu.ru A.A. Loskutov - Post-graduate Student, Department of Automatic and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Е-mail: loskutov@mail.ru
In the modern companies regardless of the scale and specifics there is an integration business of processes and IT services, and, as a rule, the reference point goes on a multiservisnost. For management of flows of information in multiservice systems and networks actively to be developed the situational centers which allow to make a complex assessment of this or that situation on the basis of application of special methods of processing of big data files, and also expeditious construction, the analysis, forecasting and playing of scenarios of their development. Application of modern information technologies at expansion allows to make this process by more effective. The situational centers allow to react quickly to the changing conditions and to develop a necessary package of measures and the decisions directed on achievement of a certain result in a concrete case. Than the enterprise is larger and the more we want to trace different services and to carry out monitoring of states the more volume there are data, on the other hand even more often for increase in presentation the set of data is submitted in multimedia variations, besides continuous access to a big array of information is necessary for analytics and all this needs to be carried out as a rule in the online mode. Classical approach for modernization of IT infrastructure is replacement of the equipment on more powerful and productive, replacement of network components of infrastructure and so on but as shows experiment of the last years is an extensive way which can not always justify itself, having forced to be enclosed thus seriously financially. During the analysis and the conducted researches it is possible to draw a conclusion that in modern systems one of the main activities focused on increase of efficiency of IT infrastructure is application of technologies of virtualization and the program configured networks. It is possible to tell that with development of modern information infrastructures mechanisms of management and visualization by means of the situational centers are even more often used, thus significant growth is observed in the volume and types of data and the used services. It becomes possible to solve similar problems using the intensive way of development based on application of technologies of virtualization and the program configured systems and networks.
Pages: 41-44


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