350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №5 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Analytical evaluation of samples of military robotic systems developed on its own initiative
S.P. Hripunov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Federal Budgetary Institution «The Main Scientific Research Center of Robotics» Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow) I.V. Blagodaryashchev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Federal Budgetary Institution «The Main Scientific Research Center of Robotics» Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow)
The proposed approach to the evaluation of analytical samples of robotic systems for military use, designed on its own initiative, enables us to justify the conclusion (conclusions) on their compliance with actual technical level of the specified re-quirements. Using this estimate, based on the utility and viability of the proposed technical solutions for the examination of several samples of the same type RSM can provide substantial assistance in the choice of rational choices. The main disadvantage of the above approach is the complexity of the examination related to the review and assessment of a significant number of characteristics (properties) RSM. The considered approach can be applied not only to assess the RSM developed on its own initiative, but also for the examination of other innovations that will contribute to the early high-tech equipment of troops, economically sound modern weapons, military and special equipment.
Pages: 41-49


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