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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The synthesis of air target tracking channel on range in the radar silence mode
weapon control system
the mode of the radar silence
maneuvering air target
channel air target tracking on range
tracking accuracy
R.R. Shatovkin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer, Department of the Battle of Mass Manoeuvring of Aircraft Complexes, Military Educational-Scientific Center of air Forces of the «Military-Air Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin» (Voronezh). E-mail: Shatovkin@yandex.ru
V.P. Lihachov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Combat use of EW (with an Air-Space Management Systems and Leading Arms), Military educational-scientific center of air forces of the «Military-air academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and YU. A. Gagarin» (Voronezh). E-mail: lvp_home@mail.ru
Detection of the enemy radiation of a powerful source - the on-board radar station is issuing sign of a fighter. This causes the necessity to use the radar of silence, allowing to reduce the visibility of radio-engineering and enhance the secrecy of combat fighter. However, at the present time, the use of radar silence mode as one of the main modes of application of fighter arms control system on purpose not provided for.
The aim of the work: a synthesis of the channel tracking arms control system for air target in range, allowing precise and sustainable support of highly-maneuverable air target in radar silence mode, with the use of joint processing information non-radar onboard information-measuring systems of the fighter and the automated control system of fighter aviation.
The results of the work consists in the development of:
1. Generalized mathematical model of change of range with two state of the outline, describing the change of the range when maneuverable and not maneuverable types of movements: the first is the state structure describes the movement of air targets on the fighter on the arc of a circle with a variable radius, the second state structure - the movement of the constant trajectory with variable speed of convergence of the fighter with an air of purpose.
2. Integrated meter range in radar silence mode, allowing on the basis of data of ground-based radar stations, connected with the automated control system of fighter aviation, measure the distance to air targets with the use of the information of the on-board radio-navigation system of coordinates of a fighter.
3. The algorithm of functioning of the channel tracking weapons control system for the purpose of air range in mode radar silence with the use of information automated control system of the fighter on the basis of the generalized mathematical model of change-range missiles. In accordance with the algorithm for the implementation of the support of highly-maneuverable air targets at a rare updating of the information about it, coming from the automated control system of fighter aviation, the estimation of the range is carried out simultaneously by two filters in each channel. The first filter is designed to accompany the air target in the presence of maneuver and is based on the condition of the structure of the developed model. The second filter is designed to accompany the air target in the absence of maneuver and is based on the second state structures of the developed model. A priori information is given on the basis of the results of the analysis tactical fighter aviation. Information meter - automated control system of fighter aviation, received from several ground-based radar stations and transmitted to the arms control system, is adjusted with the help of information on-board radio-navigation system of coordinates of a fighter. To adapt the channel tracking weapons control system to the real trajectory of air objectives of the assessment, received filters that are configured on the maneuverable and not maneuverable types of movement, are combined by their weight summation. The weights are calculated on the basis of analysis of the work of each filter using the theory of filtration in the systems with random hopping structure
Pages: 41-52
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