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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Mode control procedures for cathodic protection stations
E.V. Karnavsky - Division Head, JSC «Giprogazcentr», Nizhny Novgorod
V.R. Milov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alek-seev
S.A. Nikulin - Engineer, JSC « Giprogazcentr», Nizhny Novgorod
R.L. Shibert - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R. E. Alekseev
M.G. Modina - Student, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R. E. Alekseev
To operation without accidentsof trunk pipelines for a stated period of operation applies a number of measures to prevent their corrosion damage. Insulating coatings provide primary, passive protection of pipelines from corrosion. Also, the main gas (MG) pipelines are protected by means of electrochemical protection (cathodic polarization). Electrochemical protection is provided by cathodic protection stations (CPS). The basis of electrochemical protection is to shift the potential of the metal pipe in the negative direction. Measurement of the protective capacity of the pipeline route is carried out at the control points. Necessary to maintain the protective potential within certain limits.
To solve the problem of determining the optimal configuration included cathodic protection stations is proposed to apply the algorithm of structural and parametric synthesis. The problem of structural and parametric synthesis is to select the optimal solution, in which the system of electrochemical corrosion protection (ECP), has the best value of the quality of work. An algorithm is proposed to add, comprising iterating limited structures and gradually increasing the amount until the CPS, the value of the objective function while minimizing the output power when the CPS of any additional stops to decrease.
Solved the problem of identification of the \"pipe-ground\", is to restore the voltage-dependent control points in the vector currents CPS, based on a set of multiple linear regression models. Special attention is paid to the selection of relevant input variables (covariates). Using a priori information on the relative positions of control points and CPS possible to obtain non-exhaustive stepwise regression algorithm based on sequential elimination of the input variables of the complete model.
The main capabilities of the prototype software that allows on the basis of initial data array to produce identification system \"pipe-ground\" and methods of structural optimization to obtain the solution of the required output parameters of cathodic protection stations.
Conducted field experiments at gas main «SaratovGorky», containing eight cathodic protection stations, which confirm ef-ficiency of procedures for the identification of the «pipe-ground». The results of structural and parametric optimization showed that the test section of the pipeline can be displayed in the reserve 5 CPS, providing the required protection of the analyzed section of MG. For the rest of the values of CPS output currents that maintain the value of the protective capacity within normal limits. The results of theoretical calculations of the optimized parameters CPS confirmed experimentally, after changing modes CPS total output power decreased four times, while providing protection.
Pages: 19-25
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