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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №2 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Organization of high-speed information exchange in embedded real-time systems
V.F. Bezzubov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Closed joint-stock company «Promtechelectronica», Saint Petersburg. E-mail: Bezzubov_vf@mail.ru Y.N. Muzelin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Open join-stock company «ALL-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Radio Equipment» . («VNIIRA» JSC), Saint Petersburg S.S. Turbin - SPBGLTU im. S.M. Kirova, «Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University?.
The high-speed communication interfaces are used in distributed real-time computing systems. The significant indicator of the system-s effectiveness is the time of information exchange between the computing modules. The article detailed the comparative analysis of the temporal constituents of data exchange organization between computing modules based on two types of high-speed interfaces: duplex serial interface SRIO and intercomputer direct memory access adapter. It is demonstrated that the use of the intercomputer direct memory access adapter based on the dual direct memory access reduces the time of information exchange between the computing modules in comparison with the SRIO interface. In reality, in case the interferences occurs and it is necessary to organize the retransmission, the using of intercomputer direct memory access implementing pipelined data transfer with division into frames allows to organize the interference resistant data transfer with the least expenditure of time. In relation to the implementation of exchange through a high-speed full-duplex link SRIO the effectiveness of pipelined data transfer implementing the intercomputer direct memory access adapter increases by increasing the amount of transmitted information.
Pages: 42-49


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