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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №2 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis of a quadrature phase synchronization structure for radio-technical systems and complexes
phase-locked loop
phase rotator
tracking system
functional transforms
degree of precision
dynamic error
system model
G.N. Arsenyev -Ph.D. (Ped.), Professor, Radio-Location and Radio-Navigation Department, MIREA
I.D. Voynov - Engineer, «Almaz-Antey» System Engineering Group; M.Sc. Candidate at MIREA
N. Shalaby - Telecommunications Engineer, M.Sc. Candidate, MIREA
Traditional phase-locked loops (PLL) are widely used in radio-technical systems and complexes, as well as in the design and construction of nationwide synchronization networks, where their presence ensures the synchronous mode of operation for large numbers of technical devices distributed over wide areas. Many domestic and foreign scientific papers have been dedicated to analyse and promote the performance and dynamic characteristics of PLL systems.
The PLL systems in use, that employ two channels - in-phase and quadrature - with a controlled coefficient in only one of them, have the disadvantage of the amplitude of the controlled output signal being dependent on the parameters of the loop itself.
The goal of this paper is to design the main structure, and perform the precision analysis for PLL systems with two quadrature channels.
By including a phase rotator in the structure of the PLL, in which both quadrature channels - cosθ(t) and sinθ(t) ? have controlled gain coefficients, it becomes possible to apply a phase rotation of 0 to 2π, with no change in the amplitude.
The mathematical model of the quadrature PLL system, is presented in the form of a structural diagram of a tracking automatic control system, allowing for the evaluation of stability, precision and response of the phase synchronization process.
The dependence of precision and response time, on the rate of change in the phase of the incoming signal, is studied and analysed. The computer modelling and analysis results, show that with the increase in the number of integrating blocks inside the closed loop, precision increases, phase error tends to zero, and errors due to the phase change rate and its acceleration significantly decrease.
In accordance with the functional diagram of the quadrature PLL system, a physical model diagram is designed. The model is investigated with the aid of the computer mathematical tool «System Analysis», with all the variable voltage quantities - input, intermediate and output - clearly represented, as to unfold the functioning principle of the system.
Pages: 25-35
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