350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Calculation of the overlapping radar image orientation using neural networks
A.A. Romanov - Post-graduat Student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Engineer, JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow). E-mail: alexromanoviv@ya.ru B.G. Tatarsky - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Director of Research and Education Center, JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)
The key step of earth\'s surface radar image stitching is relative orientation. Using the coordinates of the overlap region points we can calculate orientation within overlap region. To obtain desired transformation of other image regions it is necessary to use extrapolation in solving problems which succeeded artificial neural networks. In this paper, the research and simulation of existing architectures of predicting and approximating artificial neural networks were done. To evaluate the performance of obtained neural networks several pairs of overlapping radar images were formed with typical geometric distortions - offset, blur, zoom, rotate and projective transformation. The three-layer cascade neural networks trained by the method based on the algorithm of Levenberg-Marquardt are able to solve the task. The disandvantage of the neural network application is a large error in case of small radar image overlapping region caused small and incomplete training set.
Pages: 26-33


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