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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №11 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
System architecture for integrated processing of information from disparate sources
A.V. Dmitriev - Head of Department, Federal Research and Production Centre «Nizhniy Novgorod Research Institute of Radio Engineering» (NNIIRT). E-mail: dmitriev_av@nniirt.ru
According to military experts, the capability to timely collect, process, and distribute a continuous flow of intelligence data is an advantage indispensable for information supremacy.
The surveillance system is to provide collection of real or near-real time data on enemy resources and capabilities as well as on friendly force status. Combining surveillance assets in a common network offers a higher level of awareness achieved by integration of data from multiple sources. The integrated information processing system in question is intended for surveillance using information inputs from multiple sensors accommodated on a single mobile platform (wheeled vehicle). Optionally, the system provides for acquisition of information from multiple remote sources distributed in a volume of space. Because the information processing system is to be interfaced with a great number of disparate sensors, preference should be given to a hybrid structure of data processing and fusion. The integrated approach is employed when combining both identified data received from sensors (that has undergone the detection and identification procedures) and unassociated surveillance data (that the detection procedure cannot be applied to due to low detection probability). The development of dataware and lingware for the integrated information processing system is based on a single information language with the use of unified data exchange formats adopted in automated command and control systems. Rules for data conversion from external to internal presentation and vice versa are set in the process of designing the command and control hardware. The paper presents a block diagram of the integrated information processing system and defines software and hardware requirements for the same.
Pages: 26-30
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