350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Electronic diary as a technology of monitoring the process of learning ability of secondary school students
A.A. Khramov - Teacher of Physical Education, Gymnasium №1566; Post-graduate Student, Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow City Pedagogical University
By January 1, 2014 the system of electronic diaries has been introduced in all educational institutions of Moscow and most schools of Russian regions under the control of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. According to the results published by press-service of educational project Dnevnik.ru most teachers (89 percent) are satisfied with the new electronic journal system which allowed them to save time and paper. In our research we decided to find out the attitude of parents to the introduction of electronic form of evaluation at school. In order to learn the demand in this resource we have conducted the survey between parents of secondary school students of the government educational institution №1904. According to the answers of participants, we can conclude that parents fully support the system of electronic diary. The main advantage of this program is that it forms a single information space between school and family, which significantly affects the motivation of students to study and, as a consequence, improves the quality of education. Moreover, students - parents become full participants in the educational process, getting online all the necessary information about life in the school and also opportunity: to monitor progress and attendance of children in a mode online; to get home tasks and topics of the lesson in case of absence of their children at school; to communicate with teachers, receive messages from teachers about events in the school, to exchange messages in a timely manner to see exhibited child assessment and draw conclusions. To sum up, according to our research and the results of survey the introduction of information technology in teaching - educational process at schools has a positive tendency on the way of improvement of the educational system in Russia.
Pages: 74-78


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