350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Development of the Russian Internet in health care
G.S. Klimenko - Chairman of the Board of the Internet Development Institute, Director and Owner of the LiveInternet Company G.S. Lebedev - Dr.Sc. (Eng), Professor of Health informatics Department, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry
In November, 2014 the Fund of development of Internet initiatives and the Russian association of electronic communications declared start of Institute of development of the Internet. The main objective of institute is formation of the long-term Program of development of the Russian segment of the Internet and the related branches of economy. In article is considered the most important component of the Program - development of the Russian Internet in health care. Its main directions of development are: 1. Navigation of the resident of the Russian Federation in health system of the Russian Federation. 2. Telemedicine. 3. Treatment quality control. 4. Remote medical education. 5. Support of scientific researches in medicine. Authors assume that further formation of the Program of development of the Russian segment of the Internet in health care will be organized in the form of collecting the formalized offers on performance of the practical works systematized according to the given directions of development that will allow to prove effectively their relevance and the importance for the Russian health care.
Pages: 14-19


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