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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The use of a program complex to establish the link between ratings of medical organizations, assessment of quality and efficacy of medical care to the population
A.N. Gurov - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of Chair of Healthcare Organization and Public Health, Faculty for Postgraduate Training, Head of Department of Science and Organization, Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI), Moscow I.B. Garina - Research fellow, Department of Science and Organization, Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI), Moscow
It is known that ratings of medical organizations are set based on an independent assessment of the quality of their work (Decree of the MoH RF from 31.10.2013 № 810а) and on objective parameters described in the current forms for statistical reporting for medical organizations (Decree of the MoH RF from 12.09.2014 № 503), compared to assessment criteria for quality of services provided by medical organizations (Decree of MoH RF from 28. 11. 2014 № 787н). All the information needed for assessment of the ratings are placed at corresponding websites, such as federal website www.bus.gov.ru, regional www.zdravmo.ru and sites of medical organizations. For analysis of the parameters obtained, special program complexes are used with involvement of the staff of the Department of Information and Analysis and Department of Research and Organization of MONIKI. A special informational system was developed for comparative assessment of parameters related to the rating of a medical organization during an independent assessment and based on objective parameters from forms of statistical reporting of medical organizations with quality parameters. This system allows assessment of efficacy (medical, social, economic), quality of diagnostic and treatment measures (by 32 parameters) and an integral assessment of quality of life of the population in a municipal unit, compared to ratings of medical organizations. It is known, one of the most important motivational principles providing successful activities and high ratings of medical organizations is a payment, or wage range in a medical organizations, based on the results of the work. In addition, quality of the staff work in many aspects depends on other factors, such as all kinds of expenses on the work, maintenance and equipment of departments of a medical organization, staff training, etc. Thus, a high rating and quality of medical care can be improved with a simultaneous decrease of expenses. However, one can hardly believe that an improvement of the rating of a medical organization and quality of medical care would never require additional expenses based on the analysis of efficacy its work, when it is possible to choose the best alternative.
Pages: 8-13


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