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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №9 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The process of applying multi-layer insulation as object of control
А. V. Kazakov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Е-mail: ktei@pstu.ru
N. М. Trufanova - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department "Design and technology in electrical engineering", Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Е-mail: ktei@pstu.ru
One of the fundamental principles of modern production is automation, i.e. reduction in the proportion of manual labor by introducing systems that can perform complex manufacturing operations without human intervention. On the one hand it frees human resources, on the other - thus avoiding the so-called "Human factor". All of the above, you can add the ability to define your own system of optimum performance, providing maximum performance process in strict observation of a given level of product quality. The simultaneous superposition of several insulating or semiconducting layers is quite complex in terms of automation. This is due to the nonlinear properties of recycled materials, as well as the mutual influence of the individual streams to each other. Therefore it is quite logical to the creation of some of the simplified system containing a basic functional dependencies, defining the nature of the flow of polymer melts and the resulting value in the finished cable. This approach allows us to study the entire process as a black box, abstracting from the internal mechanisms and physical phenomena accompanying it, and replacing it with a certain model. Now control mechanism becomes more transparent. So, you need to determine which option requires finding rational values. In this study, as this parameter is selected maximum linear velocity of the core, which determines the performance of the entire extrusion line. Defined the parameters by which you can judge the quality of the resulting isolation. This geometric dimensions (layer thickness) and a melt temperature that should not exceed some acceptable values. Next it was necessary to define the parameters which can influence the course of the considered process, in other words, to manage it. Thus was formulated the task of managing the process of applying a multilayer polymeric insulation. But the real control system during operation will inevitably face the parameters different from those specified. Therefore, it should be possible to adapt the system to the sudden change of a parameter, and that was done. The proposed approach has allowed introducing a system of automated control in the area of extrusion blending polymeric insulation in electrical cables.
Pages: 52-57

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