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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №9 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The modelling of process of control of drying and impregnation of wood using measurements on the basis of fuzzy logic
R. A. Fayzrakhmanov - Dr.Sc. (Econom.), Professor, Head of Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Е-mail: fayzrakhmanov@gmail.com
S. V. Smagin - Post-graduate Student, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: enc60@mail.ru
V. S. Baikov - Post-graduate Student, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: baykov.vlad@gmail.com
This article discusses the develop a mathematical model of drying and impregnation of wood on the basis of "soft" measures. The article is relevant due to the growing demand for high quality dried wood requires the development of effective approaches to the process of drying. This article describes the design of electrical unit and the features of the process of drying the wood in a waterproof compound, in waxlike substances and paraffins. In paper describes the output parameters of the process of drying of wood and their formalization using linguistic variables. The author describes the dependability of the output values on the input controllable parameters and provides the description of the stages of develop a mathematical model of the process of drying of wood, that form the basis of the algorithm Mamdani fuzzy inference. Below presents the graphs of changing the state of the output values from the input controllable parameters; describes the calculation of available modes of electrical unit on the basis of the constructed model. The author provides the results of verification and the analysis of the received results in order to prove the correct operation of the constructed model. The article summarizes that the systematization of the models by their sizes and types of wood has allowed to implement the information system providing the effective control of drying and impregnation of the wood. The author concludes that the approach offered allows to train the operator of drying machine and to construct a system for assessment the correctness of decisions made by him.
Pages: 21-26

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