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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Estimation of influence of inadvertent noises on reliability of the analysis of radio-electronic conditions at radio monitoring
А.А. Buben-shikov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer, Military Aviation Academy named after prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Voronezh)
V.I. Vladimirov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Military Aviation Academy named after prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Voronezh)
The buildings and structures to determine the location of moving objects is difficult to use methods of satellite navigation. In an article for the location search is invited to consider RFID technology. However, due to heterogeneity of the propagation of electromagnetic waves , the information is vague , random. In this case, the problem of defining the location appropriate to consider how to classify areas from the controlled area . The classification problem becomes a problem of statistical decision theory, which is widely used in various fields of pattern recognition . At the core of the solution of the problem is considered a Bayesian approach with the use of a decision rule of maximum a posteriori probability. Analysis of the results of the experiments confirm the possibility of using the Bayesian approach to determine the location of moving objects. The accuracy of the result depends on the partition of the controlled area to areas that are classified by ranking the maximum a posteriori probability.
Pages: 40-46


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