350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Adaptive algorithm for color analysis of mineral objects
E.V. Gorbunova - Ph.D. (Eng), Senior Research Scientist, Department of Optical-Electronic Devices and System, National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (St. Petersburg). E-mail: vredina_ia@mail.ru
V.V. Korotaev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, head of department of Optical-Electronic Devices and System, National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (St. Petersburg). E-mail: korotaev@grv.ifmo.ru
D.B. Petukhova - Teaching Assistant, Department of Optical-Electronic Devices and System, National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (St. Petersburg). E-mail: PetuxovaDarja@yandex.ru
A.N. Chertov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Optical-Electronic Devices and System, National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (St. Petersburg). E-mail: a.n.chertov@mail.ru
At the present time an optical method based on registration of color differences of mineral objects is one of the promising methods of mineral raw materials enrichment. This method is widely used in many countries for sorting of various products and materials. But the existing optical sorting equipment has several shortcomings that affect the efficiency of enrichment process and limit the scope of optical method in general. One of such shortcoming is the complexity or in some cases impossibility of sorting equipment adaptation to changing of ores. Thus, to solve this problem it is necessary to develop an algorithm of color analysis with more flexible external settings. The present work devoted to the description of such algorithm developed at the Department of Optoelectronic Devices and Systems of ITMO University (St. Petersburg), as well as results of its testing. For this purpose the principles of color analysis applied to the problem of mineral objects sorting were investigated. Main stages of image processing, such as interpolation, selection of the object on the background and color segmentation were considered. Developed algorithm was tested using laboratory video information system and number of representative mineral samples of copper-nickel ore. The methodology of this pilot study is also described at the paper as well as the experimental results. They allow to conclude that the software realizing developed algorithm manages effectively with task of mineral objects separation onto profitability groups. It is important to note the repeatability of analysis results that confirmed by several series of experiments. The described algorithm is used in the development of optical-electronic complex for assessing the degree of mineral raw materials dressability by optical method. It can also be the basis for the development of analytical software kernel for new optical sorters for mining industry.
Pages: 25-31

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