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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Algorithms of processing of signals reflected from the high-speed aircraft, airborne radar systems
high-speed aircraft
airborne radar
coordinated processing of signals
«migration» range
«migration» Doppler filters
a long coherent integration of reflected signals
A.R. Ilchuck - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy General Director for Research and development, Closed JSC «OKB Traverz» (Moscow)
I.A. Sinitsyn - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Closed JSC «OKB Traverz» (Moscow)
O.E. Тsvetkov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Closed JSC «OKB Traverz» (Moscow)
I.A. Sinitsyn - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Closed JSC «OKB Traverz» (Moscow)
O.E. Тsvetkov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Closed JSC «OKB Traverz» (Moscow)
Analysis of research both in our country and abroad, shows that one of the directions of development of aircraft are the works on creation of high-speed (hypersonic) aircraft (HSA). Currently nearest aim of the developers put a creation of experimental samples HSA and their power plants.
Trends in the development of HSA, analysis of the principles of the existing onboard radars show that the solution of the tasks of detection and tracking HSA is associated with a number of features, driven by the nature of the trajectory of their movement, the velocity values and range of flight altitudes and requires special methods and algorithms of processing of radar signals reflected from HSA.
Firstly, large values of speeds of flight HSA require that the detection of such objects happened at increased ranges.
Secondly, when monitoring HSA , especially when using the long coherent accumulation of reflected signals and using pulses of relatively short duration (microseconds), «migration» of the target (the reflected signal) at the gates of range.
Thirdly, the analysis of changes of the parameters of reflected from HSA signal shows that even in the rectilinear uniform flight of the aircraft, provided that the objective and the media does not move with relative rate of zero appear components of radial acceleration goals and its derivative.
These circumstances led to the need to consider the processing of signals reflected from the specified purposes.
In the article there are considered possible variants of construction of algorithms of signal processing, presents the results of mathematical shadowed with the developed algorithms.
Pages: 16-23
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