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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №6 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
What kinds of definitions are needing in engineering?
G. V. Antsev - Ph.D. (Eng.), General Director-General Constructor, Radar-mms, St. Petersburg, Russia
V. A. Sarychev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Chief Research Scientist, Radar-mms, St. Petersburg, Russia
Development of control system, due to the necessity of its functioning in an uncertain environment for the system, makes the system under study to consist of the current situation for the indissoluble unity of the information with its environment. With respect to the radar channel information about the environment is «packed» in the form of radar characteristics, which are understood as a priori information (ie received before radar) on the relationship between the parameters of objects target environment (especially their belonging to a particular type or class) and fixed radar signal (usually reducible to specific conditions of observation estimated scattering or emissivity) of such objects. In this determination the characteristics of the radar are not only canonical scattering characteristics for the theory of diffraction (ie, they are not synonymous), and they are related to the type and class of objects observed target environment. As one of the objects of the information channel also serves a special class of interference, which is called intellectual disturbances. Our point of view links the explication object properties with its current features (consumer properties or qualities), shown from the environment in real-world conditions, regardless of whether there is currently some theory, allowing a complete description of the present situation for the functioning of the object or not. Basic hardware and infrastructural facilities, fending off challenges environment, are tended to integrate on the basis of certain general hardware and software solutions. In this multi-functional system integration trend leads to a system where the same hardware it serve multiple functions of the system. While this trend is mainly provided by digitization of system in recent years, high hopes in the incarnation of this trend associated with the SDR- technology based on the use of ultrashort pulses.
Pages: 47-55

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