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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The solution of problems of decision support systems during the management of distributed, dynamic resources
management system
Case-Based reasoning
temporal database
fuzzy linguistic variables
fuzzy distance
M. Yu. Babich - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Expert, JSC «SIE «Rubin». E-mail: mail@npp-rubin.ru
At the present time, great importance attaches to the management system (MS) of human and technical resources located in some region. Computing facilities of MS output information on its management, but the management is carried out through the control commands of man. Input information - data from different sensors. There may be an inaccurate, fuzzy information. There is two types of objects in the system. The first type is managed by the MS, the second type is not managed, but status of these objects depends on the objects of the first type. For example, urban transport and passengers, rescuers and in distress. Expert knowledge is used in solution of the problems of prediction such systems, but in known systems it's not used widely. The method of precedents is proposed to use. For the possibility of using the method of precedents the restrictions are imposed. It is proved that the system database must be temporal. The method of precedents uses a fuzzy distance between the stored precedents and the occurred situation.
Pages: 12-18
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