350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Knowledge representation of the dynamic processes of logistics on the basis of the algebra of hierarchical event-frames
O. E. Shelankov - Head of Department, JSC «SIE «Rubin» (Penza). Е-mail: shelankov@list.ru
This article presents the main provisions on the use of event - hierarchical frame-based knowledge representation method for the formalization of the subject areas that contain both synchronous and asynchronous dynamic processes, parallel processes and processes in real time. The basis of an event - a hierarchical frame-based knowledge representation method is to build a network of hierarchically nested logical data blocks (frames). This article describes how to build an event - framing hierarchical network based on the information units of two types of frames, action and event- hierarchical frames. Study the properties of an event - frame-based hierarchical networks of dynamic processes described by the subject areas proposed to carry out the methods of the theory of algebraic systems. As an example of an event - hierarchical method of knowledge representation in the article is a description of the formalization of the process of determining the needs of business units (formations) Armed Forces in the delivery of material resources under time pressure.
Pages: 26-32


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